Location & directions

Familie bei der Anreise

Our terraced campsite is located in the district of Olpe above the Listersee with a wide view over the water and the surrounding mountains and valleys of the Sauerland. For navigation devices: 57489 Drolshagen, Kalberschnacke 8 Location The camping site Gut Kalberschnacke is situated in terraces above the Listersee,...

Opening hours

Kalberschnacke Blick auf Rezeptionsgebäude

Unsere Öffnungszeiten ändern sich saisonal. Von daher empfehlen wir, sich vor Ihrer Anreise mit den Öffnungszeiten unserer Rezeption und unseres Camping-Shops vertraut zu machen. Öffnungszeiten für Rezeption & Shop ab 15.12.2024 Montag bis Donnerstag:Rezeption & Shop bleiben geschlossen! Freitag bis…

Our pitches & camping barrels

Blick auf Zeltterrassen

Our terraced campsite is located above the Listersee with a wide view over the water and the surrounding mountains and valleys of the Sauerland. We offer pitches for caravans, motorhomes and tents. We welcome tourists as well as seasonal and permanent campers. For all those who would like to try...

Our equipment

2 Mädels im Sanitärgebäude

Our campsite has four modern and spacious sanitary facilities. In our camping store we deliver fresh baked goods with our bread roll service during the season and you can stock up on the most important groceries. Sanitary facilities The campsite has a total of four sanitary buildings,...

Our awards

Camping.info Award Once again we are among the winners! We are very proud that, according to Camping.info, we are one of the 110 best campsites in Europe and have been awarded the Camping-info-Award. BVCD classification We renewed our classification in October 2023. This time, too, the...

Tips for your visit

Wohnmobil steht vor Rezeption des Camping Gut Kalberschnacke

Your first visit with us? Then please note that our check-in is possible from 15:00 and our campsite is not accessible between 13:00-15:00 and 22:00-07:00. We have compiled further information and tips for you here. Check-in...