Our leisure activities

Our campsite has a wide range of leisure facilities: Two playgrounds offer something for both older and younger children. After numerous leisure activities such as soccer, basketball, tennis and table tennis, you can relax in our private sauna. You can also hire bicycles, SUPs and rowing boats from us and fish in our trout ponds. During the Easter, summer and autumn vacations there is an entertainment program for the whole family.

Blick auf Abenteuerspielplatz mit Röhrenrutsche, Trampolin, Schaukel und Kletterhang

Adventure playground

Large adventure playground for little adventurers with giant slide, trampoline, climbing slope, zip wire and much more.

Blick auf Familienspielplatz mit überdachtem Sandkasten, Spielwohnwagen und Spielhaus

Family playground

Children of all ages can play and run around in this centrally located playground while their parents take a break.

Innenansicht der finnischen Sauna

Private sauna

Want to unwind after a day's camping? Book our private sauna with Finnish sauna, steam bath, relaxation room and solarium.

Junge hält als Torwart einen Ball

Soccer pitch

Ein perfekter Ort für Zweikämpfe und Freundschaftsturniere.

Kinder werfen Basketball in Korb

Basketball court

You can shoot hoops on our asphalt basketball court.

Blick auf Tennisplatz

Tennis court

Our tennis court with artificial turf offers the ideal basis for exciting matches from May to October.

Ruderboot auf Listersee mit Vatern und Kinder

Rowing boats

You can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life on our vintage rowing boats on Lake Lister (and go fishing too). We are also happy to lend you life jackets.

Mann paddelt mit Kind auf SUP


Would you like to be a little more sporty on Lake Listersee? No problem - we are happy to lend you a stand-up paddle (including life jacket if required).

Herren- und Damenrad

Bike rental

Hire bikes from us for a tour around Listersee and Biggesee.

Mann mit kleinem Kind beim Angeln an einem Teich

Fishing ponds

If you don't have a fishing license for the Listersee, you can fish for rainbow trout in our own fishing ponds (fishing permit required).

Hochsitz neben Abenteuerspielplatz

High seat

You can watch roe deer, birds and other animals from our raised hide.

Übergroße Schachfiguren auf dem Outdoor-Schachfeld

Outdoor chess field

For a well-groomed game under the sun.

Zwei Tischtennisplatten

Table tennis

Right next to our large tennis court you will find two table tennis tables for quick games

Blick in Kaminzimmer mit Sofa, Eckbank, Tisch und Kamin

Fireplace room

You can warm up comfortably in our fireplace room on cold days.

Gebastelte Zangen mit lustigen Motiven

Animation - Children's program

During the Easter, summer and autumn vacations and on the long public holiday weekends of Ascension Day and Corpus Christi, there is an entertainment program for the whole family.